Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I won! I won!

Yes, I won the Forever New dress I was bidding on. I'm so very exciting considering I ended up saving more on it than I thought!

You see, the one I was bidding on had 4 bidders and was up to around $80. But I was so busy at work I missed the end time and was frantically typing in 'Forever New lace dress' on eBay to find another one. Just my luck, another one was ending in 4 mins. With only one bid on it.

I waited til about 60 seconds remaining and placed my bid. I was so excited but trying to stay calm... and then I refreshed My eBay and it came up with I won!!!! A beautiful dress I nearly paid $119 for a month or so ago for only $62.50. Bargain central right here.

I'm eating a caramel fudge bar my mum got me from Darell Lea. I was only going to have a bit of it but now I've taken a few bites I have to eat the whole thing. Gym tomorrow morning me thinks. I'm not a morning person so wish me luck!

Oh, I received my study materials for the CA today at work. I was super duper excited! It's my first unit so I don't really have any idea what I'm doing but I'm going to an orientation night on Thursday night. Now, to set up my study and buy a cute pink calculator!

Goodnight xx

Monday, June 14, 2010

SATC2 + Moroccan Oil + Forever New

So I watched Sex and the City 2 yesterday. A lot of people aren't enjoying it, however I LOVED it! I thought it was a beautiful setting and I absolutely adore the girls.

I'm liking the Moroccan Oil. Note I didn't say LOVE. I think it does make my hair softer etc but I don't think it's a massive improvement. It doesn't do anything for frizz, so if you want silky frizz-free hair then just use your Moroccan Oil and when your hair is dry just spray some hairspray on your hair and brush. et voila, nice no frizz hair. It's also nice as a serum.

I have a few weddings coming up and need a new dress for one of them. I'm watching this gorgeous Forever New dress on eBay as I didn't get a chance to pick it up in store.

I just hope it fits. I think when I tried it on in store the size 8 was a bit too small around a certain area but the size 10 was a tad big. I'm watching the 10 so I can always get it taken in if needed. I hope I get it!! It ends tomorrow so look out for a hopefully excited post :)
Keep warm everyone xx

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The training officially begins!

So I got my Lorna Jane on tonight and jumped on the treadmill to see how long it would take me to do 5km (in prep for the Bridge to Brisbane, see below). I did it in 42:53. So that is the time to beat people! Watch this space for more updates.

I've done up a program for my training and so far I seem to stick to it:

Mon: Boxing class or cardio
Tues: Personal Training session
Wed: Cardio (or day off)
Thurs: Cardio session my PT did up for me.
Fri: Weights session my PT did up for me.
Sat: Cardio
Sun: Day off

I think once a week I will do the 5km run and record my time. I absolutely love running. At the moment I can't run non stop for very long (8 mins max!) but I'm hoping by August I will be able to do the 5km without stopping.

Moroccan Oil review is coming! I've only used it once so let me use it a few times to make an informed decision :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Breakfast, Morrocan Oil, Bridge to Brisbane and CUE SALE!

I will go in order of titles shall I? Phew, I've got a few up there!

Breakfast with Libby was ideal. My work put on a lovely breakfast (who doesn't love a massive croissant in the morning?!) and Libby herslef was gorgeous. She has amazing new hair that made me want to go across the road to the hairdresser and cut it all off. I won't, of course, but it's the thought that counts.

She gave a speech that was so incredibly inspiring. She talked about things like passion and determination. One big thing I took away from her speech was when she was talking about when she was training. She spoke about times when it was middle of winter, raining, and her alarm would go off at stupid o'clock (my words, not hers) and she wouldn't want to get up. But she persevered. It really hit home as it's great to know that even elite athletes sometimes cannot be bothered to get their butt into gear. But they still do, due to discipline and determination. Bless. Thank you for a great morning Libby, I won't forget your words anytime soon. And let's not start on that gorgeous smile of hers :)

My Morrocan Oil arrived at work today. I'm very excited to test it out. Watch this space.

I entered the Bridge to Brisbane this year. It's not until 29th August, but as I was telling R last night, I want to have a good right crack at it. So I'm going hard at the gym and hopefully I will crack my 5km time (which at the moment stands at about 40 minutes). I'll keep you up to date with my gym-going.

And finally, and arguably most important, our favourite store CUE is having a massive sale. Their End of Year Sale starts on Tuesday June 1 2010 and selected styles are up to 50% off. I ADORE end of financial year :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Moroccan Oil and Mrs Trickett

Quick side note: I just logged into good ol' Blogger and noticed my last post was on the 18th May. Shame on me. I think about writing on this blog everyday and then it just passes me by. Please note I have slapped myself on the wrist as a reminder to post more often :)

ok, back to the post. As you may have noticed the title: Moroccan Oil (I keep wanting to spell it 'Morrocan' but that is totally wrong. Totally). So the lovely girls on the Vogue Forum have been raving about this for ages. And apparently there are more raves on Makeup Alley (or MUA for those in the know), but I was too scared to go there in case it made my brain go to mush and then I ordered a bottle in a complete daze.

Well now it doesn't matter because I just made my way to http://www.catwalk.com.au/ and purchased a bottle. Here is a photo in case you have gotten this far and have no idea what I am blabbing on about:

Apparently it is meant to cut drying time and make your hair shiny and smooth. I know, I'm already in love too. I will be reporting back once I have tested it out.

Have a lovely Friday everyone! I know I will be because I will be having breakfast with my good friend Libby Trickett.... well, ok, tomorrow will be the first time I meet her and I'm only having breakfast with her because my work organised it and most of the firm will be attending, but I KNOW she is excited about meeting me too.

I'm doubley excited because I've recently made it my mission to get super fit. I'm even doing the Bridge to Brisbane this year. So to be in a room with a super fit amazing athlete will make me want to don my LJ gear and get to the gym pronto!

I will report back on brekkie too.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Personal training and stuff

So, I had my first PT session this evening. My PT is really good - she works me hard, hard, hard! First off was a round of boxing, something else and burpees. If you have not heard of burpess, please for the love of God, Google it, right now! Best thing ever, but worst thing ever! I did three rounds of that and thought I was doing awesomes and I'd burned a lot of calories and it was nearly time to go home. Yeah right. 10 mins had passed! I wanted to go throw up and hide.

But in good fashion I soldiered on and managed to get through the 45 mins. Just. Besides, I don't want Lorna Jane to think I'm buying her gear and not using it, so really I owe it to her. Oh, and myself, of course!

On another note, I am waiting for rice to cook (white rice, y'all) and it seems to be taking forever. So, I polished off some Shapes and had a TimTam. oops. Please don't tell my PT. But I'm so hungry!

Once my rice is cooked, it has the pleasure in becoming Fried Rice. But I'll make sure it's as low fat as possible. You know, don't want to ruin my training. Although I'm sure the Shapes, TimTam and my nice glass of white wine have some expaining to do.

My PT gave me a sheet to write down what I eat for the next week. I think I will start tomorrow. Maybe that means I can polish off the lovely wine and TimTams tonight?

Hope everyone is having a good week xx

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Party Dress!

So, as promised I have a pic of my new party dress. Yes, from Cue. Anyway, it's your lucky day because I took two pictures.

The photos really do not do the dress justice. It's absolutely ah-maze-ing!
I will make sure I take more pics tomorrow night so you can see the whole outfit. I'm eaming it with opaques (maybe, I might stop being lazy and shave my legs) and amazing black heels.
Stay tuned xx

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Not well

So I'm at home today as I haven't been well since last night. Feeling I'm getting a bit better but still not 100% :( I'm watching Gossip Girl at the moment waiting for Husband (let's call him R, since that is the first letter of his name) to wake up. I'm watching season 2 because the first ep on it (Summer, kind of wonderful) is my fave episode. I absolultely love seeing the fashion the white party, and it has my fave Lady GaGa song it in - Paparazzi. Did I spell that right?

Anyways, even though I'm not well I have to go pick up my dress from Myer (yes, you guessed it, it's from Cue) for my birthday festivities tomorrow night. It's such a gorgeous dress. I will find my camera and take some photos. It's amazing. Me likey <3 <3

Garfield was running amok inside so he is outside sunning himself. I know, he's so beautiful.

oh, I forgot to mention - I enrolled in my CA this week. It's very exciting!

Until tonight xx

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pancakes... again

So when I was making pancakes on the lovley long weekend I took a picture to show you all the yumminess of my breakfast. I couldn't find my camera so I thought I'd just use my phone since it has a memory card. I'm so smart!

Well, turns out that my phone has a MICRO memory card, which doesn't match up to my laptop. So long story short, I can't show you all my pancake unfortunately. Maybe next time... cos God knows I eat a lot of pancakes...
I will make it up to you by showing you pictures of my babies.

Here is Mummy's Little Boy. Also known as Garfield. He's a little plumper these days but still cute nonetheless.

This next one is of Garf-Marf when we first got him home from the shelter. We thought it would be funny to watch him play with his Daddy's lego. It was funny until Husband said no more! lol. He is so tiny here.

Here is Mummy's Little Girl. Also known as Kiya. She is a Cattle Dog cross, and we think she is crossed with a Husky or Malamute. Or it could even be a Samoyd. Either way, she is adorable and I love her. This is my favourite photo of her. I have it on my wall in the loungeroom (I need a constant photographic evidence as she lives with my mum).

I hope that has buttered you up enough to keep reading my blog since you missed out on the heavenly pancake.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I made pancakes for breakfast this morning. yum. Served with lemon and sugar. Double yum! I even took a photo of one cooking but cannot be bothered to upload it yet as I still haven't got a photo hosting site or whatever you call it. Maybe later when I'm not meant to be doing housework cos I know everyone wants to see my pancake cooking.

Also, it's my birthday in 6 days. Yes, on Mother's Day. Just sayin.

Welcome to my new blog.

Welcome :)

First of all, yes, my blog name is a play on Breakfast at Tiffany's. I was going to use that but thought it might breach copyright. And also it was already taken. Cue is one of my favourite stores in the whole entire world (never mind the fact that I have never even left Australia). Maybe one day I will dress up like Holly Golightly and go to Cue.

My blog will basically be ramblings of whatever I like. Because I can. Makeup, food, fashion - not necessarily in that order.

Looking forward to being part of crazy blog world.

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