Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I won! I won!

Yes, I won the Forever New dress I was bidding on. I'm so very exciting considering I ended up saving more on it than I thought!

You see, the one I was bidding on had 4 bidders and was up to around $80. But I was so busy at work I missed the end time and was frantically typing in 'Forever New lace dress' on eBay to find another one. Just my luck, another one was ending in 4 mins. With only one bid on it.

I waited til about 60 seconds remaining and placed my bid. I was so excited but trying to stay calm... and then I refreshed My eBay and it came up with I won!!!! A beautiful dress I nearly paid $119 for a month or so ago for only $62.50. Bargain central right here.

I'm eating a caramel fudge bar my mum got me from Darell Lea. I was only going to have a bit of it but now I've taken a few bites I have to eat the whole thing. Gym tomorrow morning me thinks. I'm not a morning person so wish me luck!

Oh, I received my study materials for the CA today at work. I was super duper excited! It's my first unit so I don't really have any idea what I'm doing but I'm going to an orientation night on Thursday night. Now, to set up my study and buy a cute pink calculator!

Goodnight xx

Monday, June 14, 2010

SATC2 + Moroccan Oil + Forever New

So I watched Sex and the City 2 yesterday. A lot of people aren't enjoying it, however I LOVED it! I thought it was a beautiful setting and I absolutely adore the girls.

I'm liking the Moroccan Oil. Note I didn't say LOVE. I think it does make my hair softer etc but I don't think it's a massive improvement. It doesn't do anything for frizz, so if you want silky frizz-free hair then just use your Moroccan Oil and when your hair is dry just spray some hairspray on your hair and brush. et voila, nice no frizz hair. It's also nice as a serum.

I have a few weddings coming up and need a new dress for one of them. I'm watching this gorgeous Forever New dress on eBay as I didn't get a chance to pick it up in store.

I just hope it fits. I think when I tried it on in store the size 8 was a bit too small around a certain area but the size 10 was a tad big. I'm watching the 10 so I can always get it taken in if needed. I hope I get it!! It ends tomorrow so look out for a hopefully excited post :)
Keep warm everyone xx

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The training officially begins!

So I got my Lorna Jane on tonight and jumped on the treadmill to see how long it would take me to do 5km (in prep for the Bridge to Brisbane, see below). I did it in 42:53. So that is the time to beat people! Watch this space for more updates.

I've done up a program for my training and so far I seem to stick to it:

Mon: Boxing class or cardio
Tues: Personal Training session
Wed: Cardio (or day off)
Thurs: Cardio session my PT did up for me.
Fri: Weights session my PT did up for me.
Sat: Cardio
Sun: Day off

I think once a week I will do the 5km run and record my time. I absolutely love running. At the moment I can't run non stop for very long (8 mins max!) but I'm hoping by August I will be able to do the 5km without stopping.

Moroccan Oil review is coming! I've only used it once so let me use it a few times to make an informed decision :)

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